![Intellum Product Updates](https://cdn.exceedlms.com/uploads/resource_hero_pictures/targets/4318335/w550/productupdate-hero.png?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4uZXhjZWVkbG1zLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzL3Jlc291cmNlX2hlcm9fcGljdHVyZXMvdGFyZ2V0cy80MzE4MzM1L3c1NTAvcHJvZHVjdHVwZGF0ZS1oZXJvLnBuZyIsIkNvbmRpdGlvbiI6eyJEYXRlTGVzc1RoYW4iOnsiQVdTOkVwb2NoVGltZSI6MTczODgyMzY4OX19fV19&Signature=NsWA5dOcDS~AeMn89Hxd4dtIi0yvIo3MJxx7SX-N-Bwlng8SKKyStdG339WTuTx3Ze5m0jMpklxg6Y7mfPTzvX1woT-6ag7Hy4-RVuzrztGUxvLWFU9cZRSwijz6ccXF9riDNJO4x3P4DyR-4cbmQ0N49DhpZ1WINMVTkgnhFo2NtpN9mxn37PGpQltvkREGYakKmV~4JVn27iiuJIgyYgPDz7T6vxPer6SenVcPVwGnfRnYRiZaQAZw6Ls8ieYYYiLLiXT9~9YHSRKkCuFkI1gT~eL6LAFYANFWL6QJT6UoDw2i4ienlMCEEILPFE~EHv~nGgI2Q-KE~ivGWA~RWQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJINUZDMKZJI5I6DA)
Week of Monday, May 31
No Intellum release notes this week.
No Tribe release notes this week.
- Card Drop Component – Added a setting to choose whether the card drop component should should the score on completion or hide it.
- Iframe Component – Added a new setting ‘IFrame Height Selector’ to allow for an element within the iframe to be used to calculate the height, if required.
- Open Input Component – When the clear button is pressed, it should now always clear. Also when clearing the saved modal no longer displays.
- Simulation Component – The Screen, Image element and Panel element should now show the updated image after cropping in edit asset.
- Bookmarking Extension – The bookmarking popup should now always appear before any other popup in the course.
- Blocks – Added ability to set the component to appear in reverse order on mobile.
- Text Editor – Table cell vertical alignment in the course should now match the editor.
Week of Monday, May 24
No Intellum release notes this week.
No Tribe release notes this week.
- Branching Component – Fixed issue where using logic to set a branching component that is hidden to visible would cause an error.
- Linked Confidence Slider Component – When turning on the theme button settings “Question Buttons Center Layout” and “Switch Button Order”, the component buttons would align to the left.
- Links Component – Focus outline should now appear around image links.
- Logic – Variable type should now be set as String by default. Also the variable type can no longer be set as empty.
Week of Monday, May 17
No Intellum release notes this week.
No Tribe release notes this week.
Links Component – Added links item “bottom” position.
Narrative Component – The height of the text container should no not be larger than the item graphic.
Tabs Component – There should now be spacing between all items when the component is in mobile layout.
Hotgraphic Component – Fixed issue where Hotgraphic component pin icon appears cut off.
Swipe Menu – When changing orientation from portrait to landscape on a mobile device the next button should no longer remain enabled on the last item.
Playlist Menu – Fixed issue with playlist menu body text variables was not being populated.
Question Banks Extension – Fixed issue where retake course assessment would not completely reset components that use question banks.
Text Editor
- No longer accepts the HTML tag from being pasted in.
- Table heading alignment should now display correctly in the course.
- The text editor now sets direction based on the course RTL mode.
Assets – Embed asset returns 400 error when course is viewed in live preview.
Courses – Fixed issue where courses sorted alphabetically on the courses page were not appearing in the correct order.
Exceed – Fixed an issue where error returned from Exceed when attempting to set a course as managed by Exceed was not being displayed correctly.
Week of Monday, May 10
No Intellum release notes this week.
No Tribe release notes this week.
Hotgraphic Component: When “Set Desktop Layout for Mobile” is turned off, the hotgraphic has an error on mobile devices.
Logic: Fixed issue where changing the hidden state of content using a logic trigger was not saved to tracking when revisiting the course.
Help & Support: Added link to the new Evolve Training Hub.
Exceed: Users with the role “Editor” can now set a course to be managed by Exceed and also be able to sync a managed by Exceed course.
Week of Monday, May 3
There are no release notes this week.