When a Student requests to be put on a waitlist when an event is full, or when they request access to an activity which requires admin authorization, these requests accumulate on the Requests page for all administrators (who have the proper authority) to see. Any administrator with access to the Requests page can approve or deny any request listed on the page.
Requests can be accessed by clicking on the Requests tab in the left navigation menu. You'll also see a tooltip containing the number of outstanding requests that are listed on the page next to the tab name:
On the Requests page, the requests are organized by activity. Clicking the checkbox next to any users' name will cause Approve and Deny buttons to appear at the top of the page. Clicking the checkbox at the top of the list will select all users listed on the page.
Clicking either the Approve or Deny button will display a modal asking to confirm the selection by sending an ad hoc letter to the user which describes the decision.