Now that you've created an initiative, it's time to return to the Initiatives page and explore the compilation of data you've made.
This article will cover how to look through initiatives and examine the dashboards within. We'll also cover how to update an initiative's properties as needed.
Initiatives Page Overview

In the Initiatives page, the following navigation items and features are available:
- New Initiative Button: Click to create a new initiative.
- Initiative Filtering: Filter through your initiatives by their Social, e-Commerce, and Instructor-Led properties.
- Initiative Type: Click the dropdown arrow next to the folder icon to show all initiatives under a specific type. The number to the right of the type name indicates how many initiatives are in the folder.
- Initiative Name & Audience: A summary of your initiative's name and its included audiences. The number to the right of an initiative's name indicates how much content is covered by the initiative.
- Sparkline: A visual indicator of the view rate of an initiative's topics from the last 30 days. This metric is updated every 24 hours.
To access the dashboards for an initiative, click the initiative's name on the Initiatives page.
When an initiative is first created, the dashboards will not be immediately available. Until the data has been collected, you will see the following message:

Once the dashboards have been created, they will be the first thing you see when you open an initiative.
Dashboards Overview

In the Insights tab, the following navigation items and features are available:
- Dashboard List: Click each dashboard tab to see the relevant metrics. Not every dashboard is included for certain types of initiatives.
- Dashboard Description: An explanation of what the dashboard covers.
- Dashboard Filtering: Filter through data by selecting specific Audiences and Topics. You can choose multiple of each. Clicking Time will show options for the last 30 days, 90 days, and year. You can mix and match filters and remove all filters by clicking the Clear Filters button.
- Dashboard Field: An individual section of a dashboard that shows a specific metric.
- Last Updated Notification: Displays the date and time the data was last refreshed. Data is refreshed every 8 hours.
Dashboard Fields

Although each dashboard field is different, they share the following features:
- Info Button: Hovering your cursor over the i icon will show a description of the dashboard field's metrics.
- Download Options: Click the cloud button and select a file option (.csv, .xlsx, & .json) to download the dashboard field's full results.
- Data Results: Hovering your cursor over specific parts of the displayed data will show more specific info for that piece of data.
Updating Properties
If you want to change specific properties for an initiative, click the Properties tab.
You will be able to update the initiative name, type, and description. Remember that changing an initiative type may change the dashboards that are included.

You can also add or remove audiences. To remove an audience, click the X to the right of the audience's name. To add an audience, click on + Add an Audience. You will be taken to the same page for adding audiences when the initiative was made.
Lastly, you can toggle the additional tracking you want to include for the initiative.
Remember to click Save Changes when you are done.

Updating Tagged Content in Usage
If you want to change which content is tagged for an initiative, click the Usage tab.
If you want to untag content, click the square to the left of the content's name to select it. Clicking the square at the top of the list will select all content. A Remove button will appear. If you click this button, a prompt will appear asking if you want to proceed. Click Remove again if you wish to do so.

If you want to tag more content, click the + button and then select Tag Content. You will be taken to a page where you can search for additional content by typing in the search bar. Remember to click Save after you've chosen the new content.

You can also select Bulk Tag Content back on the Usage tab to add or remove content in large numbers. You will be taken to a page that is the same as the Topic Tagging section of the Summary tab when the initiative was made. Remember to click Save when you are finished.

Deleting an Initiative
If you wish to delete an initiative, open it and click Delete in the top right corner. A prompt will appear asking if you want to proceed. Click Delete again if you wish to do so.

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