Components are the building blocks of a course and allow you to add content to your course. Components are separated into three different types; presentation, interaction, and question.
Up to two components can be added per block.
Add a blank component
First method: Add directly to an Article
In the Page Builder locate the Article you want the Component to be in. You do not need to add a block. Select the + icon (Add/Paste) from the top of the Page Outline toolbar.
Search or scroll down the list that appears on the right to find the Component you'd like to add.
Drag it over to any space inside the Article until the Article highlights. Let go to drop in place. Evolve will create a block within the Article (after any existing ones) and add your chosen Component into it, at full width.
Second method: Add to a specific block
In the page builder, add a new block or locate the existing empty or half-empty block you want to use.
An empty block will contain shortcuts to 5 of the most popular component choices. Select one of these to add them, or select the More Components icon to bring up the full list.
Search or scroll down the list on the right to find the component you'd like to add.
Select the component and it will populate the block space at full width.

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