Image Optimization
In this article, we provide recommended image sizes for content in Evolve course.
In this article, we provide recommended image sizes for content in Evolve course.
This article provides an overview of Evolve course publishing statuses and what they mean.
This article provides instructions on how you can use the Logic feature with SCORM.
This path provides an overview of features offered by the BlueJeans platform integrations. It walks you through connecting Intellum to your BlueJeans account and creating BlueJeans meetings or events in the platform.
This article provides an overview of how to re-order pages and articles in an Evolve course.
This article outlines the process of adding an article to a page within an Evolve course.
This article walks you through the process of adding a page to your Evolve course.
In this article, we provide a breakdown of Evolve course elements and their functions.
Learn tips, shortcuts, and best practices to help craft great-looking, engaging Pages.
The **System Log** displays a running list of scheduled procedures and tasks that have been or will be completed. This information paves the way for any Unrestricted Administrators in your account to determine whether critical jobs, including imports...
When a user requests to be put on a waitlist when an event is full, or when they request access to an activity which requires admin authorization, these requests accumulate on the Requests page for all administrators (who have the proper...
This article covers adding a caption file to a video component and gives an overview of the learner experience with captions.
Work through the modules in this path to learn about Evolve and build a working course, focusing on a different aspect of the build in each module.
This path gives an overview of the features of the Zoom integration and the platform setup required to integrate a Zoom account. It walks you through the steps and settings associated with creating Zoom events in the platform.
This article provides an overview of the global meta tags located within the HTML of the homepage and activities.
This article provides an overview of what open graph meta tags and canonical links are and how they contribute to SEO for your site.
Authoring tools should make developing interactive educational experiences more efficient, but how? In this webinar, we’ll discuss what makes a great authoring tool and the reality of what they can do.
Learn more about Evolve content authoring and connect with resources to help you get started.
In this path, we'll go over creating course pre-assessments and passing assessment scores to learning management systems.
Learn more about Evolve's advanced features and how you can use them to create unique, customized courses.
Use Evolve to create dynamic, customizable, personalized course content. This path covers getting started with course creation, familiarizing yourself with course elements, and managing courses.
This guide walks you through the impacts of versioning on the data in the courses (activity) and enrollment tables for your account.
This article covers the Home Layout Settings for Organizations and gives an overview of adding and configuring Hero Images and Home Rows to personalize Home pages for your learners.