Content Properties let you define and control the general information and unique behaviors of activities in the platform. This includes the title, description, and difficulty; its inclusion in the catalog; how learners access and complete the activity; and much more.
While some activity types offer specific properties, this article breaks down the properties shared across content in the platform.
The Properties Page
To access an activity's Properties, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Content list.
- Find an activity in the list and click the Properties icon.

Heads Up!
You can also find and open an activity you'd like to edit and then select the Properties tab at the top of the page.
Each activity Properties page includes two options in the header:

- Duplicating an activity creates a new activity of the same type with similar properties.
- Deleting an activity removes it from the platform. All Enrollments (both Complete and Incomplete) must be deleted first.
Each Property section is broken down into its own indexed tab on the Properties page.

You will find the following Property tabs shared across content:
General Properties Section
General properties let you outline the basic info of an activity, brand it with imagery, and add any internal notes or custom information.
- Status: Control if the activity is Active or Inactive in the platform.

Keep an eye on Status - if the box is unchecked, learners have no access to the activity in your catalog, and admins can only find and access the activity by filtering your Activity List for Inactive activities.
- Inactive Course Redirect URL: Send learners to a different URL if the regular URL leads to an inactive activity. This setting appears only when the Status is Inactive.

Title: The name of the activity.
Duration: An estimate of how long it should take a learner to complete the activity. Recorded in minutes.
Difficulty: Let learners know if the content of the activity is Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced.
Additional Locale Display: Enable to make an activity available to users in a locale that does have an equivalent, locale-specific activity assigned.
- Activity Cover Art: Upload an image used to represent the activity in the Catalog. For video and audio activities, the cover art will be used as the cover image for your video or audio file.
- Use the Alt Text for Cover Art field to provide a description for accessibility.

- Hero Image: Upload an image to function as a banner at the top of the activity page. Both desktop and mobile versions can be uploaded.
Pro-tip: Using CTRL+F on the Properties page is a quick way to find a specific property or setting (it also works well in this article).
Additional Details
- Author: The user who created/authored the activity.
- Published Date: The date the activity was created.
- Description: Internal notes for the activity.
- Code: A unique code used to differentiate activities in the platform.
- Credit Units: The number of units earned for completing the activity. Can also be used to track Credit Hours.
- Locale: Assign the activity to a Locale. If a Locale is assigned, only learners with a matching Locale will see the Activity. If no Locale is set, all learners will see it.
The Community Access property lets you build social learning into your initiatives. With the Intellum Social app Community added to your account, you can choose to enable Community for any learning activity.

With Community enabled for an activity, users are able to ask a question and access a Community topic focused solely on the learning activity.
- If you created custom fields for use with activities, you will find those fields here.
Catalog Properties
Catalog properties let you control an activity's behavior in your catalog. These properties give you control of the activity's availability in your catalog, how it's organized in your catalog, and it's accessibility to learners.
Catalog Access
Customize the availability of the content in your catalog.

Unavailable in Catalog
- Unavailable in Catalog is the default setting for new activities. No learner can see the activity on the home page, locate the activity by browsing, or find the activity in search.
Heads up!
If an activity is marked Unavailable, learners can still be enrolled into the activity by enrollment link, auto-enrollments, or direct admin enrollment, but they won't be able to see the activity on the home page, locate the activity by browsing, or find the activity in search.
- Restricted is used to restrict access to content by group. Use the Group Restrictions field that appears to add the specific groups who should have access to the activity.

If a learner is in a group added to the activity, the learner can see the activity on the home page, locate the activity by browsing, or find the activity using search, if not expressly excluded (see Search setting below).
Heads up!
If an activity is set to Restricted with no groups assigned, no learner can see the activity on the home page, locate the activity by browsing, or find the activity in search.
Available to All Users
- Available to All Users makes your content live to all learners. Any learner can see the activity on the home page, locate the activity by browsing, or find the activity using search, if not expressly excluded (see Search setting below).
SEO Properties
Enhance the visibility of public-facing content by using SEO properties. Entering information in these fields can help improve the amount of web traffic your content receives from search engines.

Other Catalog Properties
Search: Check this box to keep the activity from appearing in search results as a stand-alone activity.
Summary: A short summation of the activity that is shown to learners in Catalog search results, as well as in Notifications.
Keywords: Enhance search results for learners by including common terms or references related to the activity content.
Topics: Tags the Activity with one or more of the topics learners use to filter or browse your Catalog.
Public View: Enabling Allow Public View lets unregistered users view the activity, but requires log in/sign up to interact with the content.
Heads Up!
If you'd like to make your content public, contact your customer success manager or an Intellum representative for more information on enabling this feature for your account.
- Activity Sharing: Lets learners share your content to Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
Pro-tip: Activity Sharing + Public View can be used to link an unregistered user to shared content, but requires a log in/sign up when she's ready to interact with the content.
Enrollment Properties
- Access: Remove a learner's enrollment after the due date for the activity has passed without completion and/or keep learners with a completed the activity from re-launching the activity.
- Max Attendance: Put a limit on the number of learners that can enroll in the activity at any given time. If set, you can choose to create a wait list for learners once the limit is met.
- Authorization: Trigger a request to admin when learners enroll through the Catalog. Creates an approval waitlist for the activity found in the Requests tab within the admin's expanded nav menu.
- Confirmation: Trigger a disclaimer message to learners that requires confirmation prior to starting the activity.
- Completion Notification: Enable this property to remove all enrollment and completion components from the activity.
Pro-tip: Need to share content in the platform that's more informational than instructional? Enable Completion Notification to remove:

The 'Add to Plan' icon
The enrollment banner
The completion banner
The mini completion toast
- Due Within: Automatically add a due date to a learner's enrollment through the Catalog based on a defined value in number of days.
- Prerequisites: Keep learners on track by adding the activities that must be completed before a learner can access or enroll in this activity.
- E-Commerce: Set a price for access to the activity as well as an expiration date for that access. See E-commerce documentation for more details on setup and use.
- Auto-Complete Video or Audio: Enable auto-completion for video and audio activity types.
Gamification Properties
- Level XP: If you use our gamification app Level, this property lets you determine the number of points (XP) awarded after first completion.
- Awards: Check this box if you'd like the learner to earn an award once they successfully complete a specific Activity.
- Award Name: Give the award its own name, or leave blank to use the name of the activity on the award.
- Award Code: Assign a unique code to the award that can be queried, or used in reporting.
- Award Description: A little space to tell the learner exactly what they've been awarded. Limited to 500 characters.
- Expiration: The length of time (in months) before the award expires and is removed from a learner's profile.
- Badge Image: Upload an image to appear on the Award and in a learner's profile. Images should be square and will be resized to 400 x 400 px.
Pro-tip: Learners can see current and expired awards within their user profiles - keeping them engaged with content they've mastered, and content they may need to revisit.
- Award Template: Choose from existing award templates. Award templates can be created by admin in the Awards tab found in account Settings.
- Award Type: Categorize awards using a word or phrase. When a learners view awards on their Profile page, they will be organized by the award types that were defined.
- Celebration Type: Make it pop! Choose between a fireworks or confetti animation - triggered when the learner earns an award.
Advanced Properties
- Letter Triggers: Trigger a letter based on learner and/or manager actions in the platform.
- Reply-To Address: Set a reply-to address for automated letters triggered by this activity. If no reply-to address is set at the activity-level, the platform will use the reply-to address in account Settings.
Equivalence: Set an activity as the parent or child activity of other activities. Equivalent activities are considered equals in that completing the parent, or any child activity, creates equivalent completions in all other activities. Imagine you make the same activity available in three different languages. If those activities are equivalent to one another, completing any one of them means all other activities are completed.
- Parent Activity - Make this activity a child equivalent by choosing a parent activity. Click the pencil icon to edit.
- Make this Activity a parent of other equivalent Activities - Check this box to make this activity a parent activity.
Comments: Give learners the ability to start a conversation around an activity. Comments can be enabled, disabled, or frozen - as needed.
Comments Email List: Enter email addresses in this field to receive a condensed list of comments for this activity. Addresses should be comma-separated.
Pro-tip: Allowing learners to comment on activities is a great way to build engagement around your content. If you want to moderate comments, add an email address to the Comments Email List and you'll get an update whenever a new comment is added.
- Auto Enrollments: Set up an auto-enrollment for the activity for specific Groups or for your entire audience.
- Only Students Hired After: Choose a calendar date to apply the auto-enrollment to your learner audience.
- Enrollment URL: A URL that automatically enrolls registered users into an activity. Can be regenerated or deactivated - as needed.
- Groups: Assign a learner to a specific group upon activity completion. Only works with manual groups in the platform.
- Restricted Admin: Grant administrative permissions, like access to activity enrollments and properties, to restricted admin(s) or groups of restricted admin.
- Survey: Select an existing Survey that will be presented to the learner when the activity is completed.
- Path/Collection Associations: You'll find a link to any Path or Collection this activity is associated with. Clicking on the Path or Collection takes you to that activity's Properties.
- Upload Captions: Upload captions within the Advanced > Advanced File Properties settings of your activity. The caption file must be WebVTT format (*.vtt).

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